Employment Opportunities for people with Autism

National Autistic Society and Autism in Racing team up to help support people with autism find employment opportunities

The National Autistic Society (NAS) have teamed up with Autism in Racing to support people with autism to find employment opportunities in the horse racing sector. Recent figures released by the ONS suggest that only 29% of autistic people are in any kind of employment.

In association with the Bloomfield Trust, the National Autistic Society's Autism at Work Programme aims to change this by changing attitudes to transform lives. There are many amazing roles in racing that are available to people with autism with the right support and understanding from employers. Jobs vary from working with horses at training yards or racecourses and in many roles from practical hands-on work to professional back-office support roles such as marketing, sponsorship or vital services such as catering or hospitality.

Autism in Racing have been working with NAS to develop a support package for employees through the application process and beyond with a dedicated job coach for up to six months following successful employment. Perhaps more importantly, there will be a program of support for employers to provide tailored training to help them to better understand how people with autism can contribute and flourish in the racing sector.

I’m really thrilled that Autism in Racing and the National Autistic Society will partner up through their Autism at Work programme. One of our key aims is to create employment in the industry, and this a huge leap forward to support Autistic individuals to find a role in racing.
— Bobby Beevers, Founder and Chair of Autism in Racing. 

Richmal Maybank, Employer Engagement Manager and Autism at Work Lead at the National Autistic Society added:

Employers often ask us what kind of jobs autistic people can do whilst 68% of employers worry about getting support for autistic people wrong. With the right support and adjustments autistic people can thrive across all types of roles and industries. The National Autistic Society has had previous links with the Autism in Racing team through their autism friendly race days and continue to work towards racecourses achieving the National Autistic Society Autism Friendly Award. This is why we are thrilled to be partnering with the Racing industry to seek meaningful employment opportunities.

The program will include:

  • Meeting with employers to talk about the programme and their needs

  • Deliver ‘What is Autism’ training so that the employer can understand the benefits and attributes of employing someone with autism

  • Providing support to candidates prior to interview and advising interviewers about how to format assessments and assist candidates

  • Once the candidate has been appointed, they are further supported through the onboarding process and they receive job coaching

  • Both the candidate and employer have a dedicated job coach or account manager for further colleague and manager training as well as ongoing advice and support. (usually for 6 months)

Christine Flintoft-Smith, Head of Autism Accreditation and projects said:

We are pleased to be progressing our relationship with the Autism in Racing team and supporting them to increase employment opportunities within the racing world.  Alongside our Autism at Work programme we feel positive that together we can provide employers with the knowledge and confidence to employ and support autistic people in the work place.

For more information about the Autism at Work Programme or the Bloomfield Trust Autism at Work programme

If you are interested in providing roles in the racing sector contact Enterprise.Team@nas.org.uk


Racing Sector Keen to learn about Autism in Racing


Champion for Autism in Racing