Over 200 families register to attend Autism Friendly Racedays in first six months

A Father and Daughter on a balcony look out on a racecourse

Autism In Racing CIC: Six Month Progress Report


Autism in Racing was the idea of racing broadcaster Bobby Beevers, which was brought to life in 2021 as a collaboration between Bobby, Racing Together and the Racecourse Association.

Following the success of the project which saw 13 autism-friendly racedays held across the country, Autism in Racing CIC was incorporated on 26th January 2024 (Company Reg no 15444023).


Autism in Racing CIC is an organisation set up to support and encourage people with autism to enjoy horse racing as a spectator or employee.

We aim to help people with autism; adults as well as children, to take part in social and supporting activities linked to the national horse racing sport.


AIR has a strong Board of Directors in place with experience and interest in racing, autism and across the whole spectrum of neuro-diversity. Professionally, they have skills including;  governance, marketing, accounting and law amongst other professional accreditations.

Autism Friendly Racedays

AIR provides sensory rooms at racecourses with trained staff who provide an autism friendly race day where there is a calm environment with specialist care available for people who find the event over-stimulating, so that they can take time-out.

We are approaching 20 participating racecourses with Pontefract offering an Autism friendly day at EVERY meeting. An easy visual information booklet has been created to help people to understand how racing works and what to expect on the day.

Aintree and Ascot have created a permanent quiet space and sensory room.

Employment Support

The National Autistic Society (NAS) have teamed up with Autism in Racing to support people with autism to find employment opportunities in the horse racing sector.

In association with the Bloomfield Trust, the National Autistic Society's Autism at Work Programme aims to change this by changing attitudes to transform lives. There are many amazing roles in racing that are available to people with autism with the right support and understanding from employers. Jobs vary from working with horses at training yards or racecourses and in many roles from practical hands-on work to professional back-office support roles such as marketing, sponsorship or vital services such as catering or hospitality.

Autism in Racing have been working with NAS to develop a support package for employees through the application process and beyond with a dedicated job coach for up to six months following successful employment. Perhaps more importantly, there will be a program of support for employers to provide tailored training to help them to better understand how people with autism can contribute and flourish in the racing sector.


Champion Jockey Will Buick is AIR’s Ambassador in racing and has been active in his support.

A young lived experience Ambassador Joshua Taylor who works at Haydock and Aintree racecourses has been appointed and is due to work with AIR to create a short video and case study about his work as a groundsman, the support he needs to undertake this role and the benefits he gets from working in this environment.

Awareness Raising

AIR has its own website autisminracing.com  X and Facebook accounts which promote opportunities. Development of the online presence of AIR will be focus during the next 6 months.

Autism Friendly Racedays are promoted by the racecourses themselves through their online channels and by working with local SEN and autism charity groups. Each racecourse contributes a small fee towards the hire of the Sensory Room and staff and provide two complementary adult tickets to each applicant. The number of families is capped at 25 pre -registrations at each meeting.

An awareness raising evening was held at Newmarket in March and we were delighted that it was attended by over 50 people from across the racing sector. Trainers, jockers, breeders and employers amongst famous faces. The evening was deemed a great success in raising awareness about autism.

On 23rd July, The British Racing School held an autism awareness day and Jane Buick (wife of Will) represented AIR.

We are delighted that the Racing Post has adopted AIR as its Racing Cause to Support - the very first initiative of its kind.

The Anne Duchess of Westminster Foundation has agreed to support 10 racedays with an ADWF Sensory Space, the first of these is to be held at Chester Famil Day on 4th August. Registrations have exceeded the maximum 25 for whom a video is being created so that they know what to expect on the day. Walk-ins on the Open Course will be welcomed on the day. Further ADWF Sensory Spaces are being planned for the future.

February – July 2024 Review

Up to and including 25th July, 288 families have registered to attend an Autism Friendly Raceday. 88% of those stated that they had never attended a racecourse before. This is very exciting as we hope that many will return and encourage friends and family to go racing too.

The seven most popular racecourses have been (in order of registrations):

  • Pontefract

  • Chester

  • Fontwell

  • Epsom Downs

  • Redcar

  • Worcester

  • York

Registrants are asked upon registration (through a specially created Survey Monkey link which also uses a QR code for easy access) how they heard about the AFD. The results from the first 93 *registrations are provided below with Facebook, from the racecourse and via school or autism support group being the most effective.

A chart showing how people had heard about the existence of Autism in Racing.

*Afet 95 registrations, a new Survey Monkey design was created to make it easier for registrants to select a specific racecourse and then choose a date. The data for the remaining registrations shows similar percentages.

The Future

We will continue to sign up racecourses and promote autism friendly opportunities in racing. We will be working with the Racing Post to raise the profile and benefits of AIR and seeking opportunities to involve our Ambassadors and funders in future activity.


Newmarket Pony Academy


Autism in Racing to be Community Partner of Racing Post